Wight of the Nine Worlds


I welcome thee free spirit, which thou shalt come with an open heart, open mind and an open soul, for what you are about to read can only be understood by the wise who are eager to learn and to embrace the roots deep and forgotten in the hearts of the free people of Europe, by accepting who you are and where your roots lie, is half way into the great road of life. We will journey unto where our spirit takes us with the knowledge we gained. Learn and teach.

Working with the Gods - Angrboda

Angrboda is the main female leader of all the tribes in Ironwood, and she preferes to work with female spirit-workers, but not just anyone. She likes tall women, who are strong and physically capable of enduring hazards of every tipe, with stonge will as well, and she also likes to work with older women who have authority, and in that case, it doesn't matter the appearance of their physical body. What she doesn't like is someone young and/or weak and delicate. She doesn't like clothes that may hold her movements, she is a giantess and she moves with confidence and unconcern. She prefers tunics, or things made out of leather and animal skins. She is a warrior but most know her as a sorceress as well, so if you cook food for her, make sure you have knifes around, as a more Neolithic figure, she prefers to east with those, she prefers meat as the top menu and homebrew, she is forthright and she has no patience for whiners, although she will be kind to the strange and deformed.

Note: When saying that she likes clothes of animal skin, it would be absurd to assume that she likes those just as a fashion, after all, she does protect the wild animals especially the wolves. She is a more Neolithic figure lets just say, she, and she has been worshiped for a few millennia, just as the humans once needed animal skin to warm themselves and to protect the body against the cold winter, she also needs it, for Ironwood is in Jotunheim, an hard place to live for those who aren't used to its weather. The best place in this world you might compare to it, are the thick shadowy and cold forests of Siberia.

Supported by RavenKaldera

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